SEA-SURGEON, n. [sea and surgeon.] A surgeon employed on shipboard.
SEA-SURROUNDED, a. [sea and surround.] Encompassed by the sea.
SEA-TERM, n. [sea and term.] A word or term used appropriately by seamen, or peculiar to the art of navigation.
SEA-THIEF, n. [sea and thief.] A pirate.
SEA-TOAD, n. [sea and toad.] An ugly fish, so called.
SEA-TORN, a. [sea and torn.] Torn by or at sea.
SEA-TOSSED, a. [sea and tossed.] Tossed by sea.
SEA-URCHIN, n. [sea and urchin.] A genus of marine animals, the Echinus, of many species. The body is roundish, covered with a bony crust, and often set with movable prickles.
SEA-WALLED, a. [sea and walled.] Surrounded or defended by the sea.
SEAWARD, a. [sea and ward.] Directed towards the sea.
SEAWARD, adv. Towards the sea.
SEA-WATER, n. [sea and water.] Water of the sea or ocean, which is salt.
SEA-WEED, n. [sea and weed.] A marine plant of the genus Fucus, used as manure, and for glass and soap. A common name for the marine algae, and some other plants growing in salt water.
SEA-WOLF, n. [sea and wolf. See Wolf.] A fish of the genus Anarrhicas, found in northern latitudes, about Greenland, Iceland, Norway, Scotland, England, etc. This fish is so named from its fierceness and ravenousness. It grows sometimes to the lenth of four and even seven feet, and feeds on crustaceous animals and shell fish.
SEA-WORMWOOD, n. A sort of wormwood growing in the sea, the Artemisia maritima.
SEAWORTHY, a. [sea and worthy.] Fit for a voyage; worthy of being trusted to transport a cargo with safety; as a seaworthy ship.
SEAL, n. The common name for the species of the genus Phoca. These animals are ampibious, most of the inhabiting the sea coasts, particularly in the higher latitudes. They have six cutting teeth in the upper jaw, and four in the lower. Their hind feet are placed at the extremity of the body, in the same diretion with it, and serve the purpose of a caudal fin; the fore feet are also adapted for swimming, and furmished each with five claws; the external ears are either very small or wanting. There are numerous species; as the leonina, sometimes 18 feet in length, and the jubata, sometimes 25 feet in length, with a name like a lion, both called sea-lion, and found in the southern seas, and alo in the N. Pacific; the ursina, or sea bear, 8 or 9 feet in length, and covered with long, thick bristly hair, found in the N. Pacifac; and the common seal frome 4 to 6 feet in length, found generally throughout the Atlantic and the seas and bays communicating with it, covered with short, stiff, glossy hair, with a smooth head without external ears, and with the fore legs deeply immersed in the skin. Seals are much sought after for their skins and fur.
SEAL, n. [L. sigillum.]
1. A piece of metal or other hard substance, usually round or oval, on which is ingraved some image or device, and sometimes a legend or inscription. This is used by idividuals, corporate bodies and states, for making impressions on wax upon instuments of writing, as an evidence of their authenticity. The king of England has his seal and his privy seal. Seals are sometimes worn in rings.NWAD SEAL.3
2. The wax set to an instument, and impressed or stamped with a seal. Thus we give a deed under had and seel. Wax is generally used in sealing instruments, but other substances may be used.NWAD SEAL.4
3. The wax or wafer that makes fast a letter or other paper.NWAD SEAL.5
4. Any act of confirmation.NWAD SEAL.6
5. That which confirms, ratifies or makes stable; assurance. 2 Timothy 2:9.NWAD SEAL.7
6. That which effectually shuts, confines or secures; that which makes fast. Revelation 20:3.NWAD SEAL.8
SEAL, v.t.
1. To fasten with a seal; to attach together with a wafer or with wax; as, to seal a letter.NWAD SEAL.10
2. To set or affix a seal as a mark of authenticity; as, to seal a deed. Hence,NWAD SEAL.11
3. To confirm; to ratify; to establish.NWAD SEAL.12
And with my hand I seal our true hearts’ love. Shak.NWAD SEAL.13
When therefore I hace performed this, and have sealed to them this fruit, I will come by you in Spain. Romans 15:28.NWAD SEAL.14
4. To shut or keep close; sometimes with up. Seal your lips; seal up you lips.NWAD SEAL.15
Open your ears, and seal your bosom upon the secret conserns of a friend. Dwight.NWAD SEAL.16
5. To make fast.NWAD SEAL.17
So they went and made the sepulcher sure, sealing the stone and setting a watch. Matthew 27:66.NWAD SEAL.18
6. To mark with a stamp, as an evidence of standard exactness, legal size, or merchantable quality. By our laws, weights and measures are to be sealed by an officer appointe and sworn for that purpose; and lether is to be sealed by a like officer, as evidence that it has been inspected and found to be of good quality.NWAD SEAL.19
7. To keep secret.NWAD SEAL.20
Shut up the words, and seal the book. Daniel 12:4; Isaiah 8:16.NWAD SEAL.21
8. To mark as ones property, and secure from danger.NWAD SEAL.22
9. To close; to fulfill; to complete; with up.NWAD SEAL.23
10. To imprint on the; as, to seal instruction.NWAD SEAL.24
11. To inclose; to hide; to conceal.NWAD SEAL.25
12. To confine; to restrain.NWAD SEAL.26
13. In architecture, to fix a piece of wood or iron in a wall with cement.NWAD SEAL.27
SEAL, v.i. To fix a seal.
I will seal unto this bond. [Unusual.] Shak.NWAD SEAL.29
SEALED, pp. Furnished with a seal; fastened with a seal; confirmed; closed.
1. One who seals; an officer in chancery who seals writs and instruments.NWAD SEALER.2
2. In New England, an officer appointed by the town or other proper authority, to examine and try weithts and measures, and set a stamp on such as are according to the standards established by the state; also, an officer who inspects lether and stamps such as is good. These are called sealers of weights and measures, and sealers of lethers.NWAD SEALER.3
SEALING, ppr. Fixing a seal; fastening with a seal; confirming; closing; keeping secret; fixing a piece of wood or iron in a wall with cement.
SEALING, n. [from seal, the animal] The operation of taking seals and curing their skins.
SEALING-VOYAGE, n. A voyage for the purpose of killing seals and obtaining their skins.
SEALING-WAX, n. [seal and wax.] A compound of gum lac and the red oxyd of mercury; used for fastening a folded letter and thus consealing the writing, and for receiving impressions of seals set to instruments. Sealing wax is hard or soft, and may be of any color.
1. The suture or uniting of two edges of cloth by the needle.NWAD SEAM.2
The coat was without seam, woven from the top throughout. John 19:23.NWAD SEAM.3
2. The joint or juncture of planks in a ship’s side or deck; or rather the intervals between the edges of boards or planks in a floor, etc. The seams of the ships are filled with oakum, and covered with pitch.NWAD SEAM.4
3. In mines, a vein or stratum of metal, ore, coal and the like.NWAD SEAM.5
4. A cicatrix or scar.NWAD SEAM.6
5. A measure of eight bushels of corn; or the vessel that contains it. [Not used in America.]NWAD SEAM.7
A seam of glass, the quanity of 120 pounds, or 24 stones of five pounds each. [Not used in America.]NWAD SEAM.8
SEAM, n. Tallow; grease; lard. [Not in use.]
SEAM, v.t.
1. To form a seam; to sew or otherwise unite.NWAD SEAM.11
2. To mark with a cicatrix; to scar; as seamed with wounds.NWAD SEAM.12
SEAMAN. [See under Sea.]
SEAMED, pp. Marked with seams; having seams or scars.
SEAMING, ppr. Marking with scars; making seams.
SEAMLESS, a. Having mo seam; as the seamless garment of Christ.
SEAM-RENT, n. [seam and rent.] The rent of a seam; the separation of a suture.
SEAMSTER, n. One that sews well, or whose occupation is to sew.
SEAMSTRESS, n. A woman whose occupation is sewing.
SEAMY, a. Having a seam; containing seams or showing them.
SEAN, n. a met. [See Sein.]
SEAPOY, SEPOY, n. A native of India in the military service of an European power, and disceplined after the European maner.
SEAR, v.t. [Gr. to dry; to parch; dry. L. torreo, in a diffrent dialect.]
1. To burn to dryness and hardness the surface of any thing; to cauterize; to expose to a degree of heat that changes the color of the surface, ar makes it hard; as, to sear the skin or flesh.NWAD SEAR.2
I’m sear’d with burning steel. Rowe.NWAD SEAR.3
Sear is allied to scorch in signification; cut it is applied primarily to animal flesh, and has special reference to the effect of heat in making the surface hard. Scorch is applied to flesh, sloth or any other substance, and has mo reference to the effect of hardness.NWAD SEAR.4
2. To wither; to dry.NWAD SEAR.5
3. To make callous or insensible.NWAD SEAR.6
Having their conscience seared with a hot iron. 1 Timothy 4:2.NWAD SEAR.7
To sear up, to close by searing or cauterizing; to stop.NWAD SEAR.8
Cherish veins of good humor, and sear up those of ill. Temple.NWAD SEAR.9
SEAR, a. Dry; withered
SEARCE, v.t. sers. To shift; to bolt; to separate the fine part of meal from the coarse. [Little used.]
SEARCE, n. sers. A sieve; a bolter. [Little used.]
SEARCER, n. sers’er. One that sifts or bolts. [Little used.]
1. To look over or through for the purpose of finding something; to explore; to examine by inspection; as, to search the house for a book; to search the wood for a thief.NWAD SEARCH.2
Send though men, that they may search the land of Canaan. Numbers 13:2.NWAD SEARCH.3
2. To inquire; to seek for.NWAD SEARCH.4
Enough is left besides to search and know. Milton.NWAD SEARCH.5
3. To probe; to seek the knowledge of by feeling with instrument; as to search a wound.NWAD SEARCH.6
4. To examine; to try. Psalm 139:23.NWAD SEARCH.7
To search out, to seek till found, or to find by seeking; as, to search out truth. Watts.NWAD SEARCH.8
SEARCH, v.i. serch.
1. To seek; to look for; to make search.NWAD SEARCH.10
Once more search with me. Shak.NWAD SEARCH.11
2. To make inquiry; to inquire.NWAD SEARCH.12
It suffices that they have once with care sifted the matter, and searched into all the particulars. Locke.NWAD SEARCH.13
To search for, to look for; to seek; to find; as, to search for a gentleman now in the house. Shak.NWAD SEARCH.14
SEARCH, n. serch.
1. A seeking or looking for something that is lost, or the place of which us unknown; with for or after; as a search for lost money; a search for mines of gold and silver; a search after happiness or knowledge.NWAD SEARCH.16
2. Inquiry; a seeking. He spent his life in search of truth.NWAD SEARCH.17
3. Quest; pursuit for finding.NWAD SEARCH.18
Nor did my search of liberty begin, Till my black hairs were chang’d upon my chin. Dryden.NWAD SEARCH.19
SEARCHABLE, a. serch’able. That may be searched or explored.
SEARCHED, pp. serch’ed. Looked over carefully; explored; examined.
1. One who searches, explores or examines for the prupose of finding something.NWAD SEARCHER.2
2. A seeker; an inquirer.NWAD SEARCHER.3
3. An examiner; a trier; as the Seacher of hearts.NWAD SEARCHER.4
4. An officer in London, appointed to examine the bodies of the dead, and report the cause of their death.NWAD SEARCHER.5
5. An officer of the customs, whose business is to search and examine ships outward bound, to ascertain whether they have prohibited goods on board, also baggage, goods, etc.NWAD SEARCHER.6
6. An inspector of lether.NWAD SEARCHER.7
7. In military affairs, an instrument for examining ordnance, to ascertain whether guns have any cavities in them.NWAD SEARCHER.8
8. An instrument used in the inspection of butter, etc. to ascertain the quality of that which is contained in firkins.NWAD SEARCHER.9
1. Looking into or over; exploring; examining; inquiring; seeking; investigating.NWAD SEARCHING.2
2. a. Penetrating; trying; close; as a searching discourse.NWAD SEARCHING.3
SEARCHING, n. search’ing. Exanination; severe inquisition. Judges 5:16.
SEARCHLESS, n. serch’less. Inscrutable; eluding search or investigation.
SEAR-CLOTH, n. A cloth to cover a sore; a plaster.
SEARED, pp. [from sear.] Burnt on the furface; cauterized; hardened;
SEAREDNESS, n. The state of being seared, cauterized or hardened; hardness; hence insensibility.
SEASON, n. se’zn. Season literally signifies that which comes or arrives; and in this general sense, is synonymous with time. Hence,
1. A fit or suitable time; the convenient time; the usual or appointed time; as, the messenger arrived in season; in good season. This fruit is out of season.NWAD SEASON.2
2. Any time, as distinguished from others.NWAD SEASON.3
The season prime for sweetest scents and airs. Milton.NWAD SEASON.4
3. A time of some continuance, but not long.NWAD SEASON.5
Thou shalt be blind, not seeing the sun for a season. Acts 13:11.NWAD SEASON.6
4. One of the four divisions of the year, spring, summer, autumn, winter. The season is mild; it is cold for the season.NWAD SEASON.7
We saw in six days’ traveling, the several seasons of the year n their beauty. Addison.NWAD SEASON.8
We distinguish the season by prefixing its appropriate name, as the spring-season, summer-seacon, etc.NWAD SEASON.9
To be in season, to be in good time, or sufficiently early for the prupose.NWAD SEASON.10
To be out of season, to be too late, beyoun the proper time, or beyond the usually appointed time.NWAD SEASON.11
From the sense of convenience, is derived the following.NWAD SEASON.12
5. That which matures or prepares for the taste; that which gives a relish.NWAD SEASON.13
You lack the season of all nature, sleep. Shak.NWAD SEASON.14
But in this sense, we now use seasoning.NWAD SEASON.15
SEASON, v.t.
1. To render palatable, or to give a higher relish to, by the addition or mixture of another substance more pungent or pleasant; as, to season meat with salt; to season any thing with spices. Leviticus 2:13.NWAD SEASON.17
2. To render more agreeable, pleasant or delightful; to give relish or zest to by something that excites, animates or exhilarates.NWAD SEASON.18
You season still with sports your serious hours. Dryden.NWAD SEASON.19
The proper use of wit is to season conversation. Tillotson.NWAD SEASON.20
3. To render more agreeable, or less rigorous and severe; to temper; to moderate; to qualify by admixture.NWAD SEASON.21
When mercy seasons justice. Shak.NWAD SEASON.22
4. To imbue; to tinge or taint.NWAD SEASON.23
Season their younger years with prudent and pious principles. Taylor.NWAD SEASON.24
5. To fit any use by time or habit; to mature; to prepare.NWAD SEASON.25
Who in want a hollow friend doth try, Directly seasons him an enemy. Shak.NWAD SEASON.26
6. To prepare for use by drying or hardening; to take out or suffer to escape the natural juices; as, to season timber.NWAD SEASON.27
7. To prepare or mature for a climate; to accustom to and enable to endure; as, to season the body to a particular climate. Long residence in the West Indies, or a fever, may season strangers.NWAD SEASON.28
SEASON, v.i.
1. To become mature; to grow fit for use; to become adapted to a climate, as the human body.NWAD SEASON.30
2. To become dry and hard by the escape of natural juices, or by being penetrated with other substances. Timber seasons well under cover in the air, and ship timber seasons in salt water.NWAD SEASON.31
3. To betoken; to savor.NWAD SEASON.32
SEASONABLE, a. Opportune; that comes, happens or is done in good time, in due season or in proper time for the purpose; as a seasonable supply of rain.
Mercy is seasonable in the time of affliction. Ecclus.NWAD SEASONABLE.2
SEASONABLENESS, n. Opportuneness of time; that state of being in good time, or in time convenient for the prupose or sufficiently early.
SEASONABLY, adv. In due time; in time convenient; sufficiently early; as, to sow or plant seasonably.
SEASONAGE, n. Seasoning; sauce. [Not used.]
SEASONED, pp. Mixed or sprinkled with something that gives a relish; tempered; moderated; qualified; matured; dried and hardened.
SEASONER, n. He that seasons; that which seasons, matures or gives a relish.
SEASONING, ppr. Giving a relish by something added; moderating; qualifying; maturing; drying and hardening; fitting by habit.
1. That which is added to any species of food to give it a higher relish; usually, something pungent or aromatic; as salt, spices or other aromatic herbs, acids, sugar, or a mixture of several things.NWAD SEASONING.3
2. Something added or mixed to enhance the pleasure of enjoyment; as, with or humor may serve as a seasoning to eloquence.NWAD SEASONING.4
Political speculations are of so dry and asutere a nature, that they will not go down with the public without frequent seasoning. Addison.NWAD SEASONING.5
SEAT, n. [L. sedes, situs.]
1. That on which one sits; a chair, bench, stool or any other thing on which a person sits.NWAD SEAT.2
Christ--overthrew the tables of the money changers and the seats of them that sold doves. Matthew 21:12.NWAD SEAT.3
2. The place of sitting; throne; chair of state; tribunal; post of authority; as the seat of justice; judgment-seat.NWAD SEAT.4
3. Mansion; residence; dwelling; abode; as Italy the seat of empire. The Greeks sent colonies to seek a new seat in Gaul.NWAD SEAT.5
In Albe he shall fix his royal seat. Dryden.NWAD SEAT.6
4. Site; situation. The seat of Eden has never been incontrovertibly ascertained.NWAD SEAT.7
5. That part of a saddle on which a person sits.NWAD SEAT.8
6. In horsemanship, posture or situation of a perosn on horseback.NWAD SEAT.9
7. A pew or slip in a chruch; a place to sit in.NWAD SEAT.10
8. The place where a thing is settled or established. London is the seat of business and opulence. So we say, the seat of the muses, the seat of arts, the seat of commerce.NWAD SEAT.11
SEAT, v.t.
1. To place on a seat; to cause to sit down. We seat ourselves; we seat our guests.NWAD SEAT.13
The guests were no sooner seated but they entered into a warm debate. Arbuthnot.NWAD SEAT.14
2. To place in a post of authority, in office or a place of distinction. He seated his son in the professor’s chair.NWAD SEAT.15
Then high was king Richard seated. Shak.NWAD SEAT.16
3. To settle; to fix in a particular place or country. A colony of Greeks seated themselves in the south of Italy; another at Massilia in Gaul.NWAD SEAT.17
4. To fix; to set firm.NWAD SEAT.18
From their foundations, loosening to and fro, They pluck’d the seated hills. Milton.NWAD SEAT.19
5. To place in a chruch; to assign seats to. In New England, where the pews in churches are not private property, it is customary to seat families for a year or longer time; that is, assign and appropriate seats to their use.NWAD SEAT.20
6. To appropriate the pews in, to particular families; as, to seat a church.NWAD SEAT.21
7. To repair by making the seat new; as, to seat a garment.NWAD SEAT.22
8. To settle; to plant with inhabitants; as, to seat a country. [Not used much.]NWAD SEAT.23
SEAT, v.i. To rest; to lie down. [Not in use.]
SEATED, pp. Placed in a chair or on a bench, etc.; set; fixed; settled; established; furnished with a seat.
SEATING, ppr. Placing on a seat; setting; settling; furnishing with a seat; having its seats assigned to individuals, as a church.
SEAVES, n. plu. [Heb. suf.] Rushes.
SEAVY, a. Overgrown with rushes.
SEBACEOUS, a. [Low L. sebaceus, from sebum, sevum, tallow.] Made of tallow or fat; pretaining to fat.
Sebaceous humor, a suet-like or glutinous matter secreted by the sebaceous glands, which serves to defent the skin and keep it soft. Coxe. Parr.NWAD SEBACEOUS.2
Sebaceous glands, small glands seated in the cellular membrane under the skin, which secrete the sebaceous humor. Parr.NWAD SEBACEOUS.3
SEBACIC, a. [supra.] In chimistry, pretaining to fat; obtained for fat; as the sebacic acid.
SEBATE, n. [supra.] In chimistry, a salt formed by the sebacic acid and a base.
SEBESTEN, n. The Assyrian plum, a plant of the genus Cordia, a species of jujube.
SECANT, a. [L. secans, seco, to cut or cut off, coinciding with Eng. saw.] Cutting; dividing into two parts.
1. In geometry, a line that cuts another, or divides it into parts. The secant of a circle is a line drawn from the circumference on one side, to a point without the circumference on the other, In trigonometry, a secant is a right line drawn from the center of a circle, which, cutting the circumference, proceeds till it meets with a tangent to the same circle.NWAD SECANT.3
2. In trigonometry, the secant of an arc is a right line drawn from the center through one end of the arc, and terminated by a tangent drawn through the other end.NWAD SECANT.4
SECEDE, v.i. [L. secedo; se, from, and cedo, to move. Se is an inseparable preposition or prefix in Latin, but denoting departure or separation.] To withdraw from fellowship, communion or association; to separate ones’s self; as, certain ministers seceded from the church of Scotland about the year 1733.
SECEDER, n. One who secedes. In Scotland, the seceders are a numerous body of presbyterians who seceded from the communion of the established church, about the year 1733.
SECEDING, ppr. Withdrawing from fellowship or communion.
SECERN, v.t. [L. secerno; se and cerno, to separate.] In the animal economy, to secrete.
The mucus secerned in the nose--is a laudable humor. Arbuthnot.NWAD SECERN.2
SECERNED, pp. Separated; secreted.
SECERNENT, n. That which promotes secretion; that which increases the irritative motions, which constitute secretion.
SECERNING, ppr. Separating; secreting; as secerning vessels.
SCESSION, n. [L. secessio. See Secede.]
1. The act of withdrawing, particularly from followship and communion.NWAD SCESSION.2
2. The act of departing; departure.NWAD SCESSION.3
SECLE, n. [L. seculum.] A century.
SECLUDE, v.t. [L. secludo; se and claudo, cludo, to shut.]
1. To separate, as from company or society, and usually to keep apart for some length of tome, or to confine in a separate state; as persons in low spirits seclude themselves from society.NWAD SECLUDE.2
Let eastern tyrants from the light of heav’n Seclude their bosom slaves. Thomson.NWAD SECLUDE.3
2. To shut out; to prevent from entering; to preclude.NWAD SECLUDE.4
Inclose your tender plants in your conservatory, secluding all entrance of cold. Evelyn.NWAD SECLUDE.5
SECLUDED, pp. Separated from others; living in retirement; shut out.
SECLUDING, ppr. Separating from others; confining in solitude or in a separate state; preventing entrance.
SECLUSION, n. s as z. The act of separating from society or connection; the state of being separate or apart; separation; a shutting out; as to live in seclusion.
SECOND, a. [L. secundus; L. sequor, to follow. See Seek.]
1. That immediately follows the first; the mext following the first in order of place or time; the ordinal of two. Take the second book from the shelf. Enter the second house.NWAD SECOND.2
And he slept and dreamed the second time. Genesis 41:5.NWAD SECOND.3
2. Next in value, power, excellence, dignity or rank; inferior. The silks of China are second to none. Lord Chatham was second to none in eloquence. Dr. Johnson was second to none in itellecual powers, but second to many in research and erudition.NWAD SECOND.4
Second terms, in algebra, those where the unknown quantity has a degree of power less than it has in the term where it is raised to the highest.NWAD SECOND.5
At second-hand, in the sicond place of order; not in first place, orby or from the first; by transmission; not primarily; not originally; as a report received at second hand.NWAD SECOND.6
In imitation of preachers at second hand, I shall transcribe from Bruyere a piece of raillery. Tatler.NWAD SECOND.7
1. One who attends another in a duel, to aid him, mark out the ground or destance, and see that all proceedings between the parties are fair.NWAD SECOND.9
2. One that supports or maintains another; that which supportsNWAD SECOND.10
Being sure enough of seconds after the first onset. Wotton.NWAD SECOND.11
3. The sixtieth part of a minute or of a degree, that is, the second minute or small division next to the hour. Sound moves above 1140 English feet in a second.NWAD SECOND.12
4. In music, an interval of a conjoint degree, being the difference between any sound and the next nearest sound above ar below it.NWAD SECOND.13
SECOND, v.t. [L. secundo.]
1. To follow in the next place.NWAD SECOND.15
Sin is seconded with sin. [Little used.] South.NWAD SECOND.16
2. To support; to lend aid to the attempt of another; to assist’ to forward; to promote; to encourage; to act as the maintainer.NWAD SECOND.17
We have supplies to second our attempt. Shak.NWAD SECOND.18
The attempts of Austria to circumscribe the conquests of Buonaparte, were seconded by Russia. Anon.NWAD SECOND.19
In God’s, one single can its end produce,NWAD SECOND.20
Yet serves second too some other use. Pope.NWAD SECOND.21
3. In legislation, to support, as a motion or the mover. We say, to second a motion or proposition, or to second the mover.NWAD SECOND.22
SECONDARILY, adv. [from secondary.] In second degree or second order; not primarily or originally; not the first intention. Duties on imports serve primarily to raise a revenue, and secondarily to encourage domestic manufactures and industry.
SECONDARINESS, n. The state of being secondary.
SECONDARY, a. [L. secundarius, from secundus.]
1. Succeeding next in order to the first; subordinate.NWAD SECONDARY.2
Where there is moral right on the one hand, not secondary right can discharge it. L’ Estrange.NWAD SECONDARY.3
2. Not primary; not of the first intention.NWAD SECONDARY.4
Two are racial differences; the secondary differences are as four. Bacon.NWAD SECONDARY.5
3. Not of the first order or rate; revolving about a primary planet. Primary planets revolve about the sun; secondary planets revolve about the primary.NWAD SECONDARY.6
4. Acting by deputation or delegated authority; as the work of secondary hands.NWAD SECONDARY.7
5. Acting in subordination, or second to another; as a secondary officer.NWAD SECONDARY.8
Secondary rocks, in geology, are those which were formed after the primary. they are always situated over or above the primitive and transition rocks; they abound with organic remains or petrifications, and are supposed to be mechanical deposits from water. Cleaveland.NWAD SECONDARY.9
A secondary fever, is that which arises after a crisis, or the discharge of some morbid matter, as after the declension of the small pox or measles. Quincy.NWAD SECONDARY.10
Secondary circles, or secondaries, in astronomy, circles passing through the poles of any of the great circles of the sphere, perpendicular to the planes of those circles.NWAD SECONDARY.11
Secondary qualities, are the qualities of bodies which are not inseparable from them, but which is proceed from casual circumstances, such as color, taste, odor, etc.NWAD SECONDARY.12
Secondary formations, in geology, formations of substances, subsequent to the primitive.NWAD SECONDARY.13
1. A delegate or deputy; one who acts in subordination to another; as the secondaries of the court of king’s bench and common pleas.NWAD SECONDARY.15
2. A fether growing on the second bone of a fowl’s wing.NWAD SECONDARY.16
SECONDED, pp. Supported; aided.
SECONDER, n. One that supported what another attempts, or what he affirms, or hat he moves or proposes; as the seconder of an enterprise or of a motion.
SECOND-HAND, n. Possession received from the first possessor.
1. Not original or primary; received from another.NWAD SECOND-HAND.3
The have but a second-hand or implicit knowledge. Locke.NWAD SECOND-HAND.4
2. Not new; that has been used by another; as a second-hand book.NWAD SECOND-HAND.5
SECONDLY, adv. In the second place.
SECOND-RATE, n. [second and rate.] The second order in size, dignity, or value.
They call it thunder of the second-rate. Addison.NWAD SECOND-RATE.2
So we say, a ship of the second-rate.NWAD SECOND-RATE.3
SECOND-RATE, a. Of the second size, rank, quality or value; as a second-rate ship; a second-rate cloth; a second-rate champion.
SECOND-SIGHT, n. The power of seeing things future or distant; a power claimed by some of the highlanders in Scotland.
Nor less avail’d his optic sleight,NWAD SECOND-SIGHT.2
And Scottish gift of second-sight. Trubbull’s M’Fingal.NWAD SECOND-SIGHT.3
SECOND-SIGHTED, a. Having the power of second-sight.
SECRECY, n. [from secret.]
1. Properly, a state of separation; hence, concealment from the observation of others, or from the notice of any persons not concerned; privacy; a state of being bid from view. When used of an individual, secrecy implies concealment from all others; when used of two or more, it implies concealment from all persons except those concerned. thus a company of counterfeiters carry on their villainy in secrecy.NWAD SECRECY.2
The Lady Anne, Whom the king in secrecy hath long married. Shak.NWAD SECRECY.3
2. Solitude; retirement; seclusion from the view of others.NWAD SECRECY.4
3. Forbearance of disclosure or discovery.NWAD SECRECY.5
It is not with public as with private prayer; in this, rather secrecy is commanded than outward show. Hooker.NWAD SECRECY.6
4. Fidelity to a secret; the act or habit of keeping secrets.NWAD SECRECY.7
For secrecy no lady closer.NWAD SECRECY.8
SECRET, a. [L. secretus. This is given as the participle of secerno, but is radically a different word. The radical sense of seg is to separate, as in L. seco, to cut off; and not improbably this word is contracted into the Latin se, a prefix in segrego, separo, etc.]
1. Properly, separate; hence, hid; concealed from the notice or knowledge of all persons except the individual or individuals concerned.NWAD SECRET.2
I have a secret errand to thee, O king. Judges 3:19.NWAD SECRET.3
2. Unseen; private; secluded; being in retirement.NWAD SECRET.4
There secret in her sapphire cell,NWAD SECRET.5
He with the Nais wont to dwell. Fenton.NWAD SECRET.6
3. Removed from sight; private; unknown.NWAD SECRET.7
Abide in a secret place, and hide thyself. 1 Samuel 19:2.NWAD SECRET.8
4. Keeping secrets; faithful to secrets entrusted; as secret Romans. [Unusual.]NWAD SECRET.9
5. Private; affording privacy.NWAD SECRET.10
6. Occult; not seen; not apparent; as the secret operations of physical causes.NWAD SECRET.11
7. Known to God only.NWAD SECRET.12
Secret things belong to the Lord our God. Deuteronomy 29:29.NWAD SECRET.13
Not proper to be seen; kept or such as ought to be kept from observation.NWAD SECRET.14
SECRET, n. [L. secretum]
1. Something studiously concealed. A man who cannot keep his own secrets, will hardly keep the secrets of others.NWAD SECRET.16
To tell our own secrets is often folly; to communicate those of others is treachery. Rambler.NWAD SECRET.17
A talebearer revealeth secrets. Proverbs 11:13.NWAD SECRET.18
2. A thing not discovered and therefore not known.NWAD SECRET.19
All secrets of the deep, all nature’s works. Milton.NWAD SECRET.20
Hast thou heard the secret of God? Job 15:8.NWAD SECRET.21
3. Secrets, plu., The parts which modesty and propriety require to be concealed. In secret, in a private place; in privacy or secrecy; in a state or place not seen; privately.NWAD SECRET.22
Bread eaten in secret is pleasant. Proverbs 9:17.NWAD SECRET.23
SECRET, v.t. To keep private. [Little used.]
SECRETARISHIP, n. The office of a secretary.
SECRETARY, n. [L. secretus, secret; originally a confident, one entrusted with secrets.]
1. A person employed by a public body, by a company or by an individual, to write orders, letters, dispatches, public or private papers, and the like. Thus ligislative bodies have secretaries, whose business is to record all their laws and resolves. Embassadors have secretaries.NWAD SECRETARY.2
2. An officer whose business is to superintend and manage the affairs of a particular department of government; as the secretary of state, who conducts correspondence of a state with foreign courts: the secretary of the treasury, who manages the department of finance; the secretary of war, of the navy, etc.NWAD SECRETARY.3
1. To hide; to conceal; to remove from observation or the knowledge of others; as to secrete stolen goods.NWAD SECRETE.2
2. To secrete one’s self; to retire from notice into a private place; to abscend.NWAD SECRETE.3
3. In the animal economy, to produce from the blood substances different from the blood itself, or from any of its constituents; as the glands. The liver secretes bile; the salivary glands secrete saliva.NWAD SECRETE.4
SECRETED, pp. Concealed; secerned.
SECRETING, ppr. Hiding; secerning.
1. The act of secerting; the act of the producing from the blood substances different from the blood itself, or from any of its constituents, as bile, saliva, mucus, urine, etc. This was considered by the older physiologists as merely separation from the blood of certain substances previously contained in it; the literal meaning of secretion. But this opinion is generally exploded. The organs of secretion are of very various form and structure, but the most general are called glands.NWAD SECRETION.2
2. The matter secreted, as mucus, perspirable matter, etc.NWAD SECRETION.3
SECRETIST, n. A dealer in secrets. [Not in use.]
SECRETITIOUS, a. Parted by an animal in secretion.
1. Privately; privily; not openly; without the knowledge of others; as, to dispatch a messenger secretly.NWAD SECRETLY.2
2. Inwardly; not apparently or visibly; latently.NWAD SECRETLY.3
Now secretly with inward grief she pin’d. Addison.NWAD SECRETLY.4
1. The state of being hid or concealed.NWAD SECRETNESS.2
2. The quality of keeping a secret.NWAD SECRETNESS.3
SECT, n. [L. Sp. secta; from L. seco, to cut off, to separate.]
1. A body or number of persons united in tenets, chiefly in philosophy or religion, but constituting a distinct party by holding sentiments different from those of other men. Most sects have originated in a particular perlon, who taught and propagated some peculiar notions in philosophy or religion, and who is considered to have been its founder. Among the jews, the principal sects were the Pharisees, Sadducees, and Essenes. In Greece were the Cynic sect, founded by Antisthenes; and the Academic sect, by Plato. The Academic sect gave birth to the Peripatetic, and a Cynic to the Stoic.NWAD SECT.2
2. A cutting or coin. [Not used.]NWAD SECT.3
SECTARIAN, a. [L. secrarius.] Pertaining to a sect or sects; as sectarian principles or prejudices.
SECTARIAN, n. One of a sect; one of a party in religion which has separated itself from the established church, or which holds tenets different from those of the prevailing denomination in a kingdom or state.