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Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary

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    TRAIN-OIL, n. [train and oil.] The oil procured from the blubber or fat of whales by boiling.

    TRAIN-ROAD, n. [train and road.] In mines, a slight rail-way for small wagons.

    TRAINY, a. Belonging to train-oil. [Not in use.]

    TRAIPSE, v.i. To walk sluttishly or carelessly. [A low word.]

    TRAIT, n. [L. tractus. See Tract and Treat.]

    1. A stroke; a touch.NWAD TRAIT.2

    By this single trait, Homer makes an essential difference between the Iliad and Odyssey.NWAD TRAIT.3

    2. A line; a feature; as a trait of character.NWAD TRAIT.4

    TRAITOR, n. [L. traditor; trado, to deliver.]

    1. One who violates his allegiance and betrays his country; one guilty of treason; one who, in breach of trust, delivers his country to its enemy, or any fort or place entrusted to his defense, or who surrenders an army or body of troops to the enemy, unless when vanquished; or one who takes arms and levies war against his country; or one who aids an enemy in conquering his country. [See Treason.]NWAD TRAITOR.2

    2. One who betrays his trust.NWAD TRAITOR.3

    TRAITORLY, a. Treacherous. [Not in use.]

    TRAITOROUS, a. Guilty of treason; treacherous; perfidious; faithless; as a traitorous officer or subject.

    1. Consisting in treason; partaking of treason; implying breach of allegiance; as a traitorous scheme or conspiracy.NWAD TRAITOROUS.2

    TRAITOROUSLY, adv. In violation of allegiance and trust; treacherously; perfidiously.

    They had traitorously endeavored to subvert the fundamental laws.NWAD TRAITOROUSLY.2

    TRAITOROUSNESS, n. Treachery; the quality of being treasonable.

    TRAITRESS, n. A female who betrays her country or her trust.

    TRAJECT, v.t. [L. trajectus, trajicio; trans and jacio, to throw.]

    To throw or cast through; as, to traject the sun’s light through three or more cross prisms.NWAD TRAJECT.2

    TRAJECT, n. A ferry; a passage, or place for passing water with boats.

    TRAJECTING, ppr. Casting through.

    TRAJECTION, n. The act of casting or darting through.

    1. Transportation.NWAD TRAJECTION.2

    2. Emission.NWAD TRAJECTION.3

    TRAJECTORY, n. The orbit of a comet; the path described by a comet in its motion, which Dr. Halley supposes to be elliptical.

    TRALATION, n. [from L. translatio.] A change in the use of a word, or the use of a word in a less proper, but more significant sense.

    TRALATITIOUS, a. [L. translatus, transfero.]

    Metaphorical; not literal.NWAD TRALATITIOUS.2

    TRALATITIOUSLY, adv. Metaphorically; not in a literal sense.

    TRALINEATE, v.t. [L. trans and linea, line.] To deviate from any direction. [Not in use.]

    TRALUCENT, a. [L. tralucens; trans and luceo.] Transparent; clear.

    TRAMMEL, n.

    1. A kind of long net for catching birds or fishes.NWAD TRAMMEL.2

    The trammel differs not much from the shape of the bunt.NWAD TRAMMEL.3

    2. A kind of shackles used for regulating the motions of a horse, and making him amble.NWAD TRAMMEL.4

    3. An iron hook, of various forms and sizes, used for hanging kettles and other vessels over the fire.NWAD TRAMMEL.5

    4. Trammels, in mechanics, a joiner’s instrument for drawing ovals upon boards. One part consists of a cross with two grooves at right angles; the other is a beam carrying two pins which slide in those grooves, and also the describing pencil.NWAD TRAMMEL.6

    TRAMMEL, v.t.

    1. To catch; to intercept.NWAD TRAMMEL.8

    2. To confine; to hamper; to shackle.NWAD TRAMMEL.9

    TRAMMELED, pp. Caught; confined; shackled.

    1. In the manege, a horse is said to be trammeled, when he has blazes or white marks on the fore and hind foot of one side.NWAD TRAMMELED.2

    TRAMMELING, ppr. Catching; confining; shackling.

    TRAMONTANE, n. One living beyond the mountain; a stranger.

    TRAMONTANE, a. [L. trans, beyond, and mons, mountain.] Lying or being beyond the mountain; foreign; barbarous. The Italian painters apply this epithet to all such as live north of the Alps, as in Germany and France; and a north wind is called a tramontane wind. The French lawyers call certain Italian canonists tramontane or ultramontane doctors; considering them as favoring too much the court of Rome.

    TRAMP, v.t. To tread.

    TRAMP, v.i. To travel; to wander or stroll.

    TRAMPER, n. A stroller; a vagrant or vagabond.

    TRAMPLE, v.t.

    1. To tread under foot; especially, to tread upon with pride, contempt, triumph or scorn.NWAD TRAMPLE.2

    Neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet. Matthew 7:6.NWAD TRAMPLE.3

    2. To tread down; to prostrate by treading; as, to trample grass.NWAD TRAMPLE.4

    3. To treat with pride, contempt and insult.NWAD TRAMPLE.5

    TRAMPLE, v.i. To tread in contempt.

    Diogenes trampled on Plato’s pride with greater of his own.NWAD TRAMPLE.7

    1. To tread with force and rapidity.NWAD TRAMPLE.8

    TRAMPLE, n. The act of treading under foot with contempt.

    TRAMPLED, pp. Trod on; trodden under foot.

    TRAMPLER, n. One that tramples; one that treads down.

    TRAMPLING, ppr. Treading under foot; prostrating by treading; treading with contempt and insult.

    TRANATION, n. [L. trano.] The act of passing over by swimming. [Not in use.]

    TRANCE, n. tr`ans. [L. transitus, a passing over; transeo, to pass over; trans and eo.] An ecstasy; a state in which the soul seems to have passed out of the body into celestial regions, or to be rapt into visions.

    My soul was ravish’d quite as in a trance.NWAD TRANCE.2

    While they made ready, he fell into a trance, and saw heaven opened. Acts 10:10-11.NWAD TRANCE.3

    TRANCED, a. Lying in a trance or ecstasy.

    And there I left him tranc’d.NWAD TRANCED.2

    TRANGRAM, n. An odd thing intricately contrived. [It is said to be a cant word, and is not used.]

    Trannel, used by Moxon, is a mistake for tree-nail, pronounced by ship-builders trunnel.NWAD TRANGRAM.2

    TRANQUIL, a. [L. tranquillus.] Quiet; calm; undisturbed; peaceful; not agitated. The atmosphere is tranquil. The state is tranquil. A tranquil retirement is desirable; but a tranquil mind is essential to happiness.

    TRANQUILIZE, v.t. To quiet; to allay when agitated; to compose; to make calm and peaceful; as, to tranquilize a state disturbed by factions or civil commotions; to tranquilize the mind.

    Religion haunts the imagination of the sinner, instead of tranquilizing his heart.NWAD TRANQUILIZE.2

    TRANQUILIZED, pp. Quieted; calmed; composed.

    TRANQUILIZING, ppr. Quieting; composing.

    TRANQUILLITY, n. [L. tranquillitas.] Quietness; a calm state; freedom from disturbance or agitation. We speak of the tranquillity of public affairs, of the state, of the world, the tranquillity of a retired life, the tranquillity of mind proceeding from conscious rectitude.

    TRANQUILLY, adv. Quietly; peacefully.

    TRANQUILNESS, n. Quietness; peacefulness.

    TRANSACT, v.t. [L. transactus, transigo; trans and ago; to act or drive through.] To do; to perform; to manage; as, to transact commercial business. We transact business in person or by an agent.

    TRANSACTED, pp. Done; performed; managed.

    TRANSACTING, ppr. Managing; performing.

    TRANSACTION, n. The doing or performing of any business; management of any affair.

    1. That which is done; an affair. We are not to expect in history a minute detail of every transaction.NWAD TRANSACTION.2

    2. In the civil law, an adjustment of a dispute between parties by mutual agreement.NWAD TRANSACTION.3

    TRANSACTOR, n. One who performs or conducts any business.

    TRANSALPINE, a. [L. trans, beyond, and Alpine, of the Alps.]

    Lying or being beyond the Alps in regard to Rome, that is, on the north or west of the Alps; as Transalpine Gaul; opposed to Cisalpine.NWAD TRANSALPINE.2

    TRANSANIMATE, v.t. [trans and animate.] To animate by the conveyance of a soul to another body.

    TRANSANIMATION, n. [L. trans and anima.] Conveyance of the soul from one body to another; transmigration. [The latter is the word generally used.]

    TRANSATLANTIC, a. [L. trans, beyond, and Atlantic.] Lying or being beyond the Atlantic. When used by a person in Europe or Africa, transatlantic signifies being in America; when by a person in America, it denotes being or lying in Europe or Africa. We apply it chiefly to something in Europe.

    TRANSCEND, v.t. [L. transcendo; trans and scando, to climb.]

    1. To rise above; to surmount; as lights in the heavens transcending the region of the clouds.NWAD TRANSCEND.2

    2. To pass over; to go beyond.NWAD TRANSCEND.3

    It is dangerous opinion to such hopes as shall transcend their limits.NWAD TRANSCEND.4

    3. To surpass; to outgo; to excel; to exceed.NWAD TRANSCEND.5

    How much her worth transcended all her kind.NWAD TRANSCEND.6

    TRANSCEND, v.i. To climb. [Not in use.]

    TRANSCENDED, pp. Overpassed; surpassed; exceeded.

    TRANSCENDENCE, TRANSCENDENCY, n. Superior excellence; supereminence.

    1. Elevation above truth; exaggeration.NWAD TRANSCENDENCE.2

    TRANSCENDENT, a. [L. transcendens.] Very excellent; superior or supreme in excellence; surpassing others; as transcendent worth; transcendent valor.

    Cloth’d with transcendent brightness.NWAD TRANSCENDENT.2

    TRANSCENDENTAL, a. Supereminent; surpassing others; as transcendental being or qualities.

    Transcendental quantities, among geometricians, are indeterminate ones, or such as cannot be expressed or fixed to any constant equation.NWAD TRANSCENDENTAL.2

    Transcendental curve, is such as cannot be defined by any algebraic equation, or of which, when it is expressed by an equation, one of the terms is a variable quantity.NWAD TRANSCENDENTAL.3

    TRANSCENDENTLY, adv. Very excellently; supereminently; by way of eminence.

    The law of christianity is eminently and transcendently called the word of truth.NWAD TRANSCENDENTLY.2

    TRANSCOLATE, v.t. [L. trans and colo, to strain.]

    To strain; to cause to pass through a sieve or colander.NWAD TRANSCOLATE.2

    TRANSCRIBE, v.t. [L. transcribo; trans, over, and scribo, to write.] To copy; to write over again or in the same words; to write a copy of any thing; as, to transcribe Livy or Tacitus; to transcribe a letter.

    TRANSCRIBED, pp. Copied.

    TRANSCRIBER, n. A copier; one who writes from a copy.

    TRANSCRIBING, ppr. Writing from a copy; writing copy.

    TRANSCRIPT, n. [L. transcriptum.] A copy; a writing made from and according to an original; a writing or composition consisting of the same words with the original.

    The decalogue of Moses was but a transcript, not an original.NWAD TRANSCRIPT.2

    1. A copy of any kind.NWAD TRANSCRIPT.3

    The Roman learning was a transcript of the Grecian.NWAD TRANSCRIPT.4

    TRANSCRIPTION, n. The act of copying. Corruptions creep into books by repeated transcriptions.

    TRANSCRIPTIVELY, adv. In manner of a copy.

    TRANSCUR, v.i. [L. transcurro; trans and curro, to run.] run or rove to and fro. [Little used.]

    TRANSCURSION, n. [supra.] A rambling or ramble; a passage beyond certain limits; extraordinary deviation; as the transcursion of a comet.

    I am to make often transcursions into the neighboring forests as I pass along.NWAD TRANSCURSION.2

    [Note: Excursion has in a great measure superseded this word.]NWAD TRANSCURSION.3

    TRANSDUCTION, n. [L. trans and duco.] The act of conveying over.

    TRANSE, n. Ecstasy. [See Trance.]

    TRANSELEMENTATION, n. [trans and element.] The change of the elements of one body into those of another, as of the bread and wine into the actual body and blood of Christ; transubstantiation.

    TRANSEPT, n. [L. trans and septum.] In ancient churches, the aisle extending across the nave and main aisles.

    TRANSFER, v.t. [L. transfero; trans and fero, to carry.]

    1. To convey from one place or person to another; to transport or remove to another place or person; as, to transfer the laws of one country to another. The seat of government was transferred from New York to Albany. We say, a war is transferred from France to Germany. Pain or the seat of disease in the body, is often transferred from one part to another.NWAD TRANSFER.2

    2. To make over; to pass; to convey, as a right, from one person to another; to sell; to give. The title to land is transferred by deed. The property of a bill of exchange may be transferred by indorsement. Stocks are transferred by assignment, or entering the same under the name of the purchaser in the proper books.NWAD TRANSFER.3

    TRANSFER, n. The removal or conveyance of a thing from one place or person to another.

    1. The conveyance of right, title or property, either real or personal, from one person to another, either by sale, by gift or otherwise.NWAD TRANSFER.5

    TRANSFERABLE, a. That may be transferred or conveyed from one place or person to another.

    1. Negotiable, as a note, bill of exchange or other evidence of property, that may be conveyed from one person to another by indorsement or other writing. The stocks of the public and of companies are transferable.NWAD TRANSFERABLE.2

    TRANSFERRED, pp. Conveyed from one to another.

    TRANSFERREE, n. The person to whom a transfer is made.

    TRANSFERRER, n. One who makes a transfer or conveyance.

    TRANSFERRING, ppr. Removing from one place or person to another; conveying to another, as a right.


    1. A change of form; particularly, the supernatural change in the personal appearance of our Savior on the mount. See Matthew 17:2.NWAD TRANSFIGURATION.2

    2. A feast held by the Romish church on the 6th of August, in commemoration of the miraculous change above mentioned.NWAD TRANSFIGURATION.3

    TRANSFIGURE, v.t. [L. trans and figura.] To transform; to change the outward form or appearance.

    --And was transfigured before them. Matthew 17:2.NWAD TRANSFIGURE.2

    TRANSFIGURED, pp. Changed in form.

    TRANSFIGURING, ppr. Transforming; changing the external form.

    TRANSFIX, v.t. [L. transfixus, transfigo; trans and figo.]

    To pierce through, as with a pointed weapon; as, to transfix one with a dart or spear.NWAD TRANSFIX.2

    TRANSFIXED, pp. Pierced through.

    TRANSFIXING, ppr. Piercing through with a pointed weapon.

    TRANSFORM, v.t. [L. trans and forma.]

    1. To change the form of; to change the shape or appearance; to metamorphose; as a caterpillar transformed into a butterfly.NWAD TRANSFORM.2

    2. To change one substance into another; to transmute. The alchimists sought to transform lead into gold.NWAD TRANSFORM.3

    3. In theology, to change the natural disposition and temper of man from a state of enmity to God and his law, into the image of God, or into a disposition and temper conformed to the will of God.NWAD TRANSFORM.4

    Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind. Romans 12:2.NWAD TRANSFORM.5

    4. To change the elements, bread and wine, into the flesh and blood of Christ.NWAD TRANSFORM.6

    5. Among the mystics, to change the contemplative soul into a divine substance, by which it is lost or swallowed up in the divine nature.NWAD TRANSFORM.7

    6. In algebra, to change an equation into another of a different form, but of equal value.NWAD TRANSFORM.8

    TRANSFORM, v.i. To be changed in form; to be metamorphosed.

    His hair transforms to down.NWAD TRANSFORM.10

    TRANSFORMATION, n. The act or operation of changing the form or external appearance.

    1. Metamorphosis; change of form in insects; as from a caterpillar to a butterfly.NWAD TRANSFORMATION.2

    2. Transmutation; the change of one metal into another, as of copper or tin into gold.NWAD TRANSFORMATION.3

    3. The change of the soul into a divine substance, as among the mystics.NWAD TRANSFORMATION.4

    4. Transubstantiation.NWAD TRANSFORMATION.5

    5. In theology, a change of heart in man, by which his disposition and temper are conformed to the divine image; a change from enmity to holiness and love.NWAD TRANSFORMATION.6

    6. In algebra, the change of an equation into one of a different form, but of equal value.NWAD TRANSFORMATION.7

    TRANSFORMED, pp. Changed in form or external appearance; metamorphosed; transmuted; renewed.

    TRANSFORMING, ppr. Changing the form or external appearance; metamorphosing; transmuting; renewing.

    1. a. Effecting or able to effect a change of form or state; as the transforming power of true religion.NWAD TRANSFORMING.2

    TRANSFREIGHT, v.i. transfra’te. To pass over the sea. [Not in use.]

    TRANSFRETATION, n. [L. trans and fretum, a strait.]

    The passing over a strait or narrow sea. [Little used.]NWAD TRANSFRETATION.2

    TRANSFUSE, v.t. transfu’ze. [L. transfusus, transfundo; trans and fundo.]

    1. To pour, as liquor, out of one vessel into another.NWAD TRANSFUSE.2

    2. To transfer, as blood, from one animal to another.NWAD TRANSFUSE.3

    3. To cause to pass from one to another; to cause to be instilled or imbibed; as, to transfuse a spirit of patriotism from one to another; to transfuse a love of letters.NWAD TRANSFUSE.4

    TRANSFUSED, pp. Poured form one vessel into another.

    TRANSFUSIBLE, a. That may be transfused, etc.

    TRANSFUSING, ppr. Pouring out of one vessel into another; transferring.

    TRANSFUSION, n. transfu’zhon. The act of pouring, as liquor, out of one vessel into another. In chimistry and pharmacy, transfusions of liquors are frequent.

    1. The act or operation of transferring the blood of one animal into the vascular system of another by means of a tube.NWAD TRANSFUSION.2

    TRANSGRESS, v.t. [L. transgressus, transgredior; trans and gradior, to pass.]

    1. To pass over or beyond any limit; to surpass.NWAD TRANSGRESS.2

    2. In a moral sense, to overpass any rule prescribed as the limit of duty; to break or violate a law, civil or moral. To transgress a divine law, is sin. Legislators should not transgress laws of their own making.NWAD TRANSGRESS.3

    TRANSGRESS, v.i. To offend by violating a law; to sin. 1 Chronicles 2:7.

    TRANSGRESSED, pp. Overpassed; violated.

    TRANSGRESSING, ppr. Passing beyond; surpassing; violating; sinning.

    TRANSGRESSION, n. The act of passing over or beyond any law or rule of moral duty; the violation of a law or known principle of rectitude; breach of command.

    He mourned because of the transgression of them that had been carried away. Ezra 10:6.NWAD TRANSGRESSION.2

    Forgive thy people all their transgressions. 1 Kings 8:50.NWAD TRANSGRESSION.3

    1. Fault; offense; crime.NWAD TRANSGRESSION.4

    TRANSGRESSIONAL, a. That violates a law or rule of duty.

    TRANSGRESSIVE, a. Faulty; culpable; apt to transgress.

    TRANSGRESSOR, n. One who breaks a law or violates a command; one who violates any known rule or principle of rectitude; a sinner.

    The way of transgressors is hard. Proverbs 13:15.NWAD TRANSGRESSOR.2

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