DISPENSER, n. One who dispenses; one who distributes; one who administers; as a dispenser of favors or of the laws.
1. Distributing; administering.NWAD DISPENSING.2
2. a. That may dispense with; granting dispensation; that may grant license to omit what is required by law, or to do what the law forbids; as a dispensing power.NWAD DISPENSING.3
DISPEOPLE, v.t. [dis and people.] To depopulate; to empty of inhabitants, as by destruction, expulsion or other means.
DISPEOPLED, pp. Depopulated; deprived of inhabitants.
DISPEOPLER, n. One who depopulates; a depopulator; that which deprives of inhabitants.
DISPERGE, v.t. disperj. [L.] To sprinkle. [Not in use.]
DISPERMOUS, a. [Gr., seed.] In botany, two-seeded; containing two seeds only; as, umbellate and stellate plants are dispermous.
DISPERSE, v.t. dispers. [L., to scatter.]
1. To scatter; to drive asunder; to cause to separate into different parts; as, the Jews are dispersed among all nations.NWAD DISPERSE.2
2. To diffuse; to spread.NWAD DISPERSE.3
The lips of the wise disperse knowledge. Proverbs 15:7.NWAD DISPERSE.4
3. To dissipate; as, the fog or the cloud is dispersed.NWAD DISPERSE.5
4. To distribute.NWAD DISPERSE.6
DISPERSE, v.i. dispers.
1. To be scattered; to separate; to go or move into different parts; as, the company dispersed at ten o’clock.NWAD DISPERSE.8
2. To be scattered; to vanish; as fog or vapors.NWAD DISPERSE.9
DISPERSED, pp. Scattered; driven apart; diffused; dissipated.
DISPERSEDLYB, adv. In a dispersed manner; separately.
DISPERSEDNESS, n. The state of being dispersed or scattered.
DISPERSENESS, n. Thinness; a scattered state. [Little used.]
DISPERSER, n. One who disperses; as the disperser of libels.
DISPERSING, ppr. Scattering; dissipating.
1. The act of scattering.NWAD DISPERSION.2
2. The state of being scattered, or separated into remote parts; as, the Jews, in their dispersion, retain their rites and ceremonies.NWAD DISPERSION.3
3. By way of eminence, the scattering or separation of the human family, at the building of Babel.NWAD DISPERSION.4
4. In optics, the divergency of the rays of light, or rather the separation of the different colored rays, in refraction, arising from their different refrangibilities. The point of dispersion, is the point where refracted rays begin to diverge.NWAD DISPERSION.5
5. In medicine and surgery, the removing of inflammation from a part, and restoring it to its natural state.NWAD DISPERSION.6
DISPERSIVE, a. Tending to scatter or dissipate.
DISPIRIT, v.t. [dis and spirit.]
1. To depress the spirits; to deprive of courage; to discourage; to dishearten; to deject; to cast down. We may be dispirited by afflictions, by obstacles to success, by poverty, and by fear. When fear is the cause, dispirit is nearly equivalent to intimidate or terrify.NWAD DISPIRIT.2
2. To exhaust the spirits or vigor of the body. [Not usual.]NWAD DISPIRIT.3
DISPIRITED, pp. Discourage; depressed in spirits; dejected; intimidated.
DISPIRITEDNESS, n. Want of courage; depression of spirits.
DISPIRITING, ppr. Discouraging; disheartening; dejecting; intimidating.
DISPITEOUS, a. Having no pity; cruel; furious. [Not used.]
DISPLACE, v.t. [dis and place.]
1. To put out of the usual or proper place; to remove from its place; as, the books in the library are all displaced.NWAD DISPLACE.2
2. To remove from any state, condition, office or dignity; as, to displace an officer of the revenue.NWAD DISPLACE.3
3. To disorder.NWAD DISPLACE.4
You have displaced the mirth.NWAD DISPLACE.5
DISPLACED, pp. Removed from the proper place; deranged; disordered; removed from an office or state.
DISPLACEMENT, n. The act of displacing; the act of removing from the usual or proper place, or from a state, condition or office.
The displacement of the centers of the circles.NWAD DISPLACEMENT.2
Unnecessary displacement of funds.NWAD DISPLACEMENT.3
DISPLACENCY, n. [L., to displease.; to please.] Incivility; that which displeases or disobliges.
DISPLACING, ppr. Putting out of the usual or proper place; removing from an office, state or condition.
DISPLANT, v.t. [dis and plant.]
1. To pluck up or to remove a plant.NWAD DISPLANT.2
2. To drive away or remove from the usual place of residence; as, to displant the people of a country.NWAD DISPLANT.3
3. To strip of inhabitants; as, to displant a country.NWAD DISPLANT.4
1. The removal of a plant.NWAD DISPLANTATION.2
2. The removal of inhabitants or residents people.NWAD DISPLANTATION.3
1. Removed from the place where it grew, as a plant.NWAD DISPLANTED.2
2. Removed from the place of residence; applied to persons.NWAD DISPLANTED.3
3. Deprived of inhabitants; applied to a country.NWAD DISPLANTED.4
DISPLANTING, ppr. Removing, as a plant.
DISPLANTING, n. Removal from a fixed place.
DISPLAT, v.t. [dis and plat.] To untwist; to uncurl.
DISPLAY, v.t. [L., gr., to unfold.]
1. Literally, to unfold; hence, to open; to spread wide; to expand.NWAD DISPLAY.2
The northern wind his wings did broad display.NWAD DISPLAY.3
2. To spread before the view; to show; to exhibit to the eyes, or to the mind; to make manifest. The works of nature display the power and wisdom of the Supreme Being. Christian charity displays the effects of true piety. A dress, simple and elegant, displays female taste and beauty to advantage.NWAD DISPLAY.4
3. To carve; to dissect and open.NWAD DISPLAY.5
He carves, displays, and cuts up to a wonder.NWAD DISPLAY.6
4. To set to view ostentatiously.NWAD DISPLAY.7
5. To discover. [Not in use.]NWAD DISPLAY.8
6. To open; to unlock. [Not used.]NWAD DISPLAY.9
1. An opening or unfolding; an exhibition of any thing to the view.NWAD DISPLAY.11
2. Show; exhibition; as, they make a great display of troops; a great display of magnificence.NWAD DISPLAY.12
DISPLAYED, pp. Unfolded; opened; spread; expanded; exhibited to view; manifested.
DISPLAYER, n. He or that which displays.
DISPLAYING, ppr. Unfolding; spreading; exhibiting; manifesting.
DISPLEASANCE, n. Anger; discontent. [Not used.]
DISPLEASANT, a. Displezant. [See Displease.] Unpleasing; offensive; unpleasant. [The latter word is generally used.]
DISPLEASE, v.t. displeze. [dis and please.]
1. To offend; to make angry, sometimes in a slight degree. It usually expresses less than anger, vex, irritate and provoke. Applied to the Almighty in scripture, it may be considered as equivalent to anger.NWAD DISPLEASE.2
God was displeased with this thing; therefore he smote Israel. 1 Chronicles 21:7.NWAD DISPLEASE.3
2. To disgust; to excite aversion in; as, acrid and rancid substances displease the taste.NWAD DISPLEASE.4
3. To offend; to be disagreeable to. A distorted figure displeases the eye.NWAD DISPLEASE.5
DISPLEASED, pp. Offended; disgusted.
DISPLEASEDNESS, n. Displeasure; uneasiness.
DISPLEASING, ppr. or a. Offensive to the eye, to the mind, to the smell, or to the taste; disgusting; disagreeable.
DISPLEASINGNESS, n. Offensiveness; the quality of giving some degree of disgust.
1. Some irritation or uneasiness of the mind, occasioned by any thing that counteracts desire or command, or which opposes justice and a sense of propriety. A man incurs the displeasure of another by thwarting his views or schemes; a servant incurs the displeasure of his master by neglect or disobedience; we experience displeasure at any violation of right or decorum. Displeasure is anger, but it may be slight anger. It implies disaprobation or hatred, and usually expresses less than vexation and indignation. Thus, slighter offenses give displeasure, although they may not excite a violent passion.NWAD DISPLEASURE.2
2. Offense; cause of irritation.NWAD DISPLEASURE.3
Now shall I be more blameless than the Philistines, though I do them a displeasure. Judges 15:3.NWAD DISPLEASURE.4
3. State of disgrace or disfavor.NWAD DISPLEASURE.5
He went into Poland, being in displeasure with the pope for overmuch familiarity.NWAD DISPLEASURE.6
DISPLEASURE, v.t. To displease. [An unnecessary word, and not used.]
DISPLICENCE, n. [L.] Dislike. [Not in use.]
DISPLODE, v.t. [L., to break forth.] To vent, discharge or burst with a violent sound.
In posture to displode their second tire of thunder.NWAD DISPLODE.2
DISPLODE, v.i. To burst with a loud report; to explode; as, a meteor diploded with a tremendous sound.
DISPLODED, pp. Discharged with a loud report.
DISPLODING, ppr. Discharging or bursting with a loud report; an explosion.
DISPLOSIVE, a. Noting displosion.
DISPLUME, v.t. [dis and plume.] To strip or deprive of plumes or feathers; to strip of badges of honor.
DISPLUMED, pp. Stripped of plumes.
DISPLUMING, ppr. Depriving of plumes.
DISPONDEE, n. In Greek and Latin poetry, a double spondee, consisting of four long syllables.
DISPORT, n. [dis and sport.] Play; sport; pastime; diversion; amusement; merriment.
DISPORT, v.i. To play; to wanton; to move lightly and without restraint; to move in gayety; as lambs disporting on the mead.
Where light disports in ever mingling dyes.NWAD DISPORT.3
DISPORT, v.t. To divert or amuse; as, he disports himself.
DISPORTING, ppr. Playing; wantoning.
DISPOSABLE, a. [See Dispose.] Subject to disposal; not previously engaged or employed; free to be used or employed as occasion may require.
The whole disposable force consisted in a regiment of light infantry, and a troop of calvary.NWAD DISPOSABLE.2
DISPOSAL, n. [See Dispose.]
1. The act of disposing; a setting or arranging.NWAD DISPOSAL.2
This object was effected by the disposal of the troops in two lines.NWAD DISPOSAL.3
2. Regulation, order or arrangement of things, int he moral government of God; dispensation.NWAD DISPOSAL.4
Tax not divine disposal.NWAD DISPOSAL.5
3. Power of ordering, arranging or distributing; government; management; as, an agent is appointed, and every thing is left to his disposal. The effects in my hands are entirely at my disposal.NWAD DISPOSAL.6
4. Power or right of bestowing. Certain offices are at the disposal of the president. The father has the disposal of his daughter in marriage.NWAD DISPOSAL.7
5. The passing into a new state or into new hands.NWAD DISPOSAL.8
DISPOSE, v.t. dispoze. [L.]
1. To set; to place or distribute; to arrange; used with reference to order. The ships were disposed in the form of a crescent. The general disposed his troops in three lines. The trees are disposed in the form of a quincunx.NWAD DISPOSE.2
2. To regulate; to adjust; to set in right order. Job 34:13 and Job 37:15.NWAD DISPOSE.3
The knightly forms of combat to dispose.NWAD DISPOSE.4
3. To apply to a particular purpose; to give; to place; to bestow; as, you have disposed much in works of public piety. In this sense, to dispose of is more generally used.NWAD DISPOSE.5
4. To set, place or turn to a particular end or consequence.NWAD DISPOSE.6
Endure and conquer; Jove will soon dispose to future good our past and present woes.NWAD DISPOSE.7
5. To adapt; to form for any purpose.NWAD DISPOSE.8
Then must thou thee dispose another way.NWAD DISPOSE.9
6. To set the mind in a particular frame; to incline. Avarice disposes men to fraud and oppression.NWAD DISPOSE.10
Suspicions dispose kings to tyranny, husbands to jealousy, and wise men to irresolution and melancholy.NWAD DISPOSE.11
He was disposed to pass into Achaia. Acts 18:27; 1 Corinthians 10:27.NWAD DISPOSE.12
To dispose of,NWAD DISPOSE.13
1. To part with; to alienate; as, the man has disposed of his house, and removed.NWAD DISPOSE.14
2. To part with to another; to put into anothers hand or power; to bestow; as, the father has disposed of his daughter to a man of great worth.NWAD DISPOSE.15
3. To give away or transfer by authority.NWAD DISPOSE.16
A rural judge disposed of beautys prize.NWAD DISPOSE.17
4. To direct the course of a thing. Proverbs 16:33.NWAD DISPOSE.18
5. To place in any condition; as, how will you dispose of your son?NWAD DISPOSE.19
6. To direct what to do or what course to pursue; as, they know not how to dispose of themselves.NWAD DISPOSE.20
7. To use or employ; as, they know not how to dispose of their time.NWAD DISPOSE.21
8. To put away. The stream supplies more water than can be disposed of.NWAD DISPOSE.22
DISPOSE, v.i. To bargain; to make terms.
1. Disposal; power of disposing; management.NWAD DISPOSE.25
2. Dispensation; act of government.NWAD DISPOSE.26
3. Disposition; cast of behavior.NWAD DISPOSE.27
4. Disposition; cast of mind; inclination.NWAD DISPOSE.28
DISPOSED, pp. Set in order; arranged; placed; adjusted; applied; bestowed; inclined.
1. One who disposes; a distributor; a bestower; as a disposer of gifts.NWAD DISPOSER.2
2. A director; a regulator.NWAD DISPOSER.3
The Supreme Being is the rightful disposer of all events, and of all creatures.NWAD DISPOSER.4
3. That which disposes.NWAD DISPOSER.5
DISPOSING, ppr. Setting in order; arranging; distributing; bestowing; regulating; adjusting; governing.
DISPOSING, n. The act of arranging; regulation; direction. Proverbs 16:33.
1. The act of disposing, or state of being disposed.NWAD DISPOSITION.2
2. Manner in which things or the parts of a complex body are placed or arranged; order; method; distribution; arrangement. We speak of the disposition of the infantry and cavalry of an army; the disposition of the trees in an orchard; the disposition of the several parts of an edifice, of the parts of a discourse, or of the figures in painting.NWAD DISPOSITION.3
3. Natural fitness or tendency. The refrangibility of the rays of light is their disposition to be refracted. So we say, a disposition in plants to grow in a direction upwards; a disposition in bodies to putrefaction.NWAD DISPOSITION.4
4. Temper or natural constitution of the mind; as an amiable or an irritable disposition.NWAD DISPOSITION.5
5. Inclination; propensity; the temper or frame of mind, as directed to particular objects. We speak of the disposition of a person to undertake a particular work; the dispositions of men towards each other; a disposition friendly to any design.NWAD DISPOSITION.6
6. Disposal; alienation; distribution; a giving away or giving over to another; as, he has made disposition of his effects; he has satisfied his friends by the judicious disposition of his property.NWAD DISPOSITION.7
DISPOSITIVE, a. That implies disposal. [Not used.]
DISPOSITIVELY, adv. In a dispositive manner; distributively. [Not used.]
DISPOSITOR, n. A disposer; in astrology, the planet which is lord of the sign where another planet is. [Not used.]
DISPOSSESS, v.t. [dis and possess.] To put out of possession, by any means; to deprive of the actual occupancy of a thing, particularly of land or real estate; to deseize.
Ye shall dispossess the inhabitants of the land, and dwell therein. Numbers 33:53.NWAD DISPOSSESS.2
Usually followed by of, before the thing taken away; as, to dispossess a king of his crown.NWAD DISPOSSESS.3
DISPOSSESSED, pp. Deprived of possession or occupancy.
DISPOSSESSING, ppr. Depriving of possession; disseizing.
DISPOSSESSION, n. The act of putting out of possession.
DISPOSURE, n. Dispozhur. [See Dispose.]
1. Disposal; the power of disposeing; management; direction. [The use of this word is superseded by that of disposal.]NWAD DISPOSURE.2
2. State; posture; disposition. [Not used.]NWAD DISPOSURE.3
DISPRAISE, n. Dispraze. [dis and praise.]
1. Blame; censure. Be cautious not to speak in dispraise of a competitor.NWAD DISPRAISE.2
2. Reproach; dishonor.NWAD DISPRAISE.3
The general has seen Moors with as bad faces; no dispraise to Bertrans.NWAD DISPRAISE.4
DISPRAISE, v.t. To blame; to censure; to mention with disapprobation, or some degree of reproach.
I dispraised him before the wicked.NWAD DISPRAISE.6
DISPRAISED, pp. Blamed; censured.
DISPRAISER, n. One who blames or dispraises.
DISPRAISING, ppr. Blaming; censuring.
DISPRAISINGLY, adv. By way of dispraise; with blame or some degree of reproach.
DISPREAD, v.t. dispred. [dis and spread. See Spread.] To spread in different ways; to extend or flow in different directions.
DISPREAD, v.i. To expand or be extended.
DISPREADER, n. A publisher; a divulger.
DISPRIZE, v.t. To undervalue.
DISPROFESS, v.i. To renounce the profession of.
DISPROFIT, n. [dis and profit.] Loss; detriment; damage. [Little used.]
DISPROOF, n. [dis and proof.] Confutation; refutation; a proving to be false or erroneous; as, to offer evidence in disproof of a fact, argument, principle or allegation.
DISPROPERTY, v.t. To deprive of property; to dispossess. [Not used.]
1. Want of proportion of one thing to another, or between the parts of thing; want of symmetry. We speak of the disproportion of a man’s arms to his body; of the disproportion of the length of an edifice to its highth.NWAD DISPROPORTION.2
2. Want of proper quantity, according to rules prescribed; as, the disproportion of the ingredients in a compound.NWAD DISPROPORTION.3
3. Want of suitableness or adequacy; disparity; inequality; unsuitableness; as the disproportion of strength or means to an object.NWAD DISPROPORTION.4
DISPROPORTION, v.t. To make unsuitable in form, size, length or quantity; to violate symmetry in; to mismatch; to join unfitly.
To shape my legs of an unequal size, to disproportion me in every part.NWAD DISPROPORTION.6
DISPROPORTIONABLE, a. Disproportional; not in proportion; unsuitable in form, size or quantity to something else; inadequate. [Note. The sense in which this word is used is generally anomalous. In its true sense, that may be made disproportional, it is rarely or never used. The regular word which ought to be used is disproportional, as used by Locke.]
DISPROPORTIONABLENESS, n. Want of proportion or symmetry; unsuitableness to something else.
DISPROPORTIONABLY, adv. With want of proportion or symmetry; unsuitably to something else.
DISPROPORTIONAL, a. Not having due proportion to something else; not having proportion or symmetry of parts; unsuitable in form or quantity; unequal; inadequate. A disproportional limb constitutes deformity in the body. The studies of youth should not be disproportional to their capacities. [This is the word which ought to be used for disproportionable.]
DISPROPORTIONALITY, n. The state of being disproportional.
DISPROPORTIONALLY, adv. Unsuitably with respect to form, quantity or value; inadequately; unequally.
DISPROPORTIONATE, a. Not proportioned; unsymmetrical; unsuitable to something else, in bulk, form or value; inadequate. In a perfect form of the body, none of the limbs are disproportionate. It is wisdom not to undertake a work with disproportionate means.
DISPROPORTIONATELY, adv. In a disproportionate degree; unsuitably; inadequately.
DISPROPORTIONATENESS, n. Unsuitableness in form, bulk or value; inadequacy.
DISPROPRIATE, v.t. To destroy appropriation; to withdraw from an appropriate use.
[See Disappropriate, which is more regularly formed, and more generally used.]NWAD DISPROPRIATE.2
DISPROVABLE, a. Capable of being disproved or refuted.
DISPROVE, v.t. [dis and prove.]
1. To prove to be false or erroneous; to confute; as, to disprove an assertion, a statement, an argument, a proposition.NWAD DISPROVE.2
2. To convict of the practice of error. [Not in use.]NWAD DISPROVE.3
3. To disallow or disapprove. [Not in use.]NWAD DISPROVE.4
DISPROVED, pp. Proved to be false or erroneous; refuted.
DISPROVER, n. One that disproves or confutes.
DISPROVING, ppr. Proving to be false or erroneous; confuting; refuting.
DISPUNGE, v.t. [dis and spunge.] To expunge; to erase; also, to discharge as from a spunge. [Il formed and little used.]
DISPUNISHABLE, a. [dis and punishable.] Without penal restraint; not punishable.
DISPURSE, for disburse. [Not in use.]