OUTKNAVE, v.t. outna’ve. To surpass in knavery.
OUTLAND, a. Foreign. Obs.
OUTLANDER, n. A foreigner; not a native. Obs.
1. Foreign; not native.NWAD OUTLANDISH.2
Nevertheless, even him did outlandish women cause to sin. Nehemiah 13:26.NWAD OUTLANDISH.3
2. Born or produced in the interior country, or among rude people; hence, vulgar; rustic; rude; clownish. [This is the sense in which the word is among us most generally used.]NWAD OUTLANDISH.4
OUTLAST, v.t. To last longer than something else; to exceed in duration. Candles laid in bran will outlast others of the same stuff.
OUTLAW, n. A person excluded from the benefit of the law, or deprived of its protection. Formerly any person might kill an outlaw; but it is now held unlawful for any person to put to death an outlaw, except the sheriff, who has a warrant for that purpose.
OUTLAW, v.t. To deprive of the benefit and protection of law; to proscribe.
OUTLAWED, pp. Excluded from the benefit of law.
OUTLAWING, ppr. Depriving of the benefit of law.
OUTLAWRY, n. The putting a man out of the protection of law, or the process by which a man is deprived of that protection; the punishment of a man who when called into court, contemptuously refuses to appear.
OUTLAY, n. A laying out or expending; expenditure.
OUTLEAP, v.t. To leap beyond; to pass by leaping.
OUTLEAP, n. Sally; flight; escape.
OUTLET, n. Passage outward; the place or the means by which any thing escapes or is discharged. A gate is the outlet of a city or fort. The mouth of a river is its outlet. Colonies are the outlets of a populous nation.
OUTLICKER, n. In ships, a small piece of timber fastened to the top of the poop.
OUTLIE, v.t. To exceed in lying.
OUTLIER, n. One who does not reside in the place with which his office or duty connects him.
OUTLINE, n. Contour; the line by which a figure is defined; the exterior line.
OUTLINE, v.t. To draw the exterior line; to delineate; to sketch.
OUTLIVE, v.t. outliv’.
1. To live beyond; to survive; to live after something has ceased; as, a man may outlive his children; a person may outlive his estate, his fame and his usefulness.NWAD OUTLIVE.2
They live too long who happiness outlive.NWAD OUTLIVE.3
2. To live better or to better purpose.NWAD OUTLIVE.4
1. To face down; to browbeat.NWAD OUTLOOK.2
2. To select. [Not in use.]NWAD OUTLOOK.3
OUTLOOK, n. Vigilant watch; foresight. [But look-out is generally used.]
OUTLOPE, n. [See Lope and Leap.] An excursion. [Not used.]
1. Lying or being at a distance from the main body or design.NWAD OUTLYING.2
2. Being on the exterior or frontier.NWAD OUTLYING.3
OUTMARCH, v.t. To march faster than; to march so as to leave behind.
The horse outmarched the foot.NWAD OUTMARCH.2
OUTMEASURE, v.t. outmezh’ur. To exceed in measure or extent.
OUTMOST, a. Farthest outward; most remote from the middle.
OUTNUMBER, v.t. To exceed in number. The troops outnumbered those of the enemy.
OUTPACE, v.t. To outgo; to leave behind.
OUTPARAMOUR, v.t. [See Paramour.] To exceed in keeping mistresses.
OUTPARISH, n. A parish lying without the walls, or on the border.
OUTPART, n. A part remote from the center or main part.
OUTPASS, v.t. To pass beyond; to exceed in progress.
OUTPOISE, v.t. outpoiz’. To outweigh.
OUTPORCH, n. An entrance.
1. A post or station without the limits of a camp, or at a distance from the main body of an army.NWAD OUTPOST.2
2. The troops placed at such a station.NWAD OUTPOST.3
1. To pour out; to send forth in a stream.NWAD OUTPOUR.2
2. To effuse.NWAD OUTPOUR.3
OUTPOURING, n. A pouring out; effusion.
OUTPRAY, v.t. To exceed in prayer or in earnestness of entreaty.
OUTPREACH, v.t. To surpass in preaching; to produce more effect in inculcating lessons or truth.
And for a villain’s quick conversion a pill’ry can outpreach a parson.NWAD OUTPREACH.2
OUTPRIZE, v.t. To exceed in value or estimated worth.
OUTRAGE, v.t. [L. ultra, beyond.]
To treat with violence and wrong; to abuse by rude or insolent language; to injure by rough, rude treatment of any kind.NWAD OUTRAGE.2
Base and insolent minds outrage men, when they have hopes of doing it without a return.NWAD OUTRAGE.3
This interview outrages all decency.NWAD OUTRAGE.4
OUTRAGE, v.i. To commit exorbitances; to be guilty of violent rudeness.
Injurious violence offered to persons or things; excessive abuse; wanton mischief. Rude abusive language, scurrility, or opprobrious and contemptuous words, may be an outrage to persons, or to decency and civility. A violent attack upon person or property is an outrage.NWAD OUTRAGE.7
He wrought great outrages, wasting all the country where he went.NWAD OUTRAGE.8
1. Violent; furious; exorbitant; exceeding all bounds of moderation; as outrageous villainies; outrageous talk; outrageous abuse.NWAD OUTRAGEOUS.2
2. Excessive; exceeding reason or decency; as outrageous panegyric.NWAD OUTRAGEOUS.3
3. Enormous; atrocious; as outrageous crimes.NWAD OUTRAGEOUS.4
4. Tumultuous; turbulent.NWAD OUTRAGEOUS.5
OUTRAGEOUSLY, adv. With great violence; furiously; excessively.
OUTRAGEOUSNESS, n. Fury; violence; enormity.
OUTRAZE, v.t. To raze to extermination.
OUTRE, a. ootra’y. Being out of the common course or limits; extravagant.
OUTREACH, v.t. To go or extend beyond.
OUTREASON, v.t. To excel or surpass in reasoning.
OUTRECKON, v.t. To exceed in assumed computation.
OUTREIGN, v.t. To reign through the whole of.
OUTRIDE, v.t. To pass by riding; to ride faster than.
OUTRIDE, v.i. To travel about on horseback, or in a vehicle.
1. A summoner whose office is to cite men before the sheriff. [Not used.]NWAD OUTRIDER.2
2. One who travels about on horseback.NWAD OUTRIDER.3
3. An attending servant.NWAD OUTRIDER.4
OUTRIGGER, n. In seamen’s language, a strong beam fixed on the side of a ship and projecting from it, in order to secure the masts in the operation of careening, by counteracting the strain it suffers from the effort of the careening tackle; also, a boom occasionally used in the tops to thrust out the breast back-stays to windward, to increase the angle of tension, and give additional security to the topmast. [See Prow.]
1. Immediately; without delay; at once.NWAD OUTRIGHT.2
2. Completely.NWAD OUTRIGHT.3
OUTRIVAL, v.t. To surpass in excellence.
OUTROAR, v.t. To exceed in roaring.
OUTRODE, n. An excursion.
OUTROOT, v.t. To eradicate; to extirpate.
1. To exceed in running; to leave behind in running.NWAD OUTRUN.2
2. To exceed; as, to outrun one’s income.NWAD OUTRUN.3
OUTSAIL, v.t. To sail faster than; to leave behind in sailing.
OUTSCAPE, n. Power of escaping. [Not used.]
OUTSCORN, v.t. To bear down or confront by contempt; to despise.
OUTSCOURINGS, n. [out and scour.] Substances washed or scoured out.
1. To exceed in amount of sales.NWAD OUTSELL.2
2. To exceed in the prices of things sold.NWAD OUTSELL.3
3. To gain a higher price.NWAD OUTSELL.4
OUTSET, n. Beginning; first entrance on any business.
Every thing almost depends upon giving a proper direction to this outset of life.NWAD OUTSET.2
1. To send forth brightness or luster.NWAD OUTSHINE.2
2. To excel in luster or excellence; as Homer outshines all other poets.NWAD OUTSHINE.3
1. To exceed in shooting.NWAD OUTSHOOT.2
2. To shoot beyond.NWAD OUTSHOOT.3
OUTSHUT, v.t. To shut out or exclude.
1. The external part of a thing; the part, end or side which forms the surface or superficies.NWAD OUTSIDE.2
2. Superficial appearance; exterior; as the outside of a man or of manners.NWAD OUTSIDE.3
Created beings see nothing but our outside.NWAD OUTSIDE.4
3. Person; external man.NWAD OUTSIDE.5
4. The part or place that lies without or beyond an inclosure.NWAD OUTSIDE.6
I threw open the door of my chamber and found the family standing on the outside.NWAD OUTSIDE.7
5. The utmost.NWAD OUTSIDE.8
OUTSIT, v.t. To sit beyond the time of any thing.
OUTSKIP, v.t. To avoid by flight.
OUTSKIRT, n. Border; outpost; suburb.
OUTSLEEP, v.t. To sleep beyond.
OUTSOAR, v.t. To soar beyond.
OUTSOUND, v.t. To surpass in sound.
OUTSPEAK, v.t. To speak something beyond; to exceed.
OUTSPORT, v.t. To sport beyond; to outdo in sporting.
OUTSPREAD, v.t. To extend; to spread; to diffuse.
1. To resist effectually; to withstand; to sustain without yielding. [Little used.]NWAD OUTSTAND.2
2. To stand beyond the proper time.NWAD OUTSTAND.3
OUTSTAND, v.i. To project outwards from the main body.
1. Resisting effectually. [Little used.]NWAD OUTSTANDING.2
2. Projecting outward.NWAD OUTSTANDING.3
3. Not collected; unpaid; as outstanding debts.NWAD OUTSTANDING.4
The whole amount of revenues - as well outstanding as collected.NWAD OUTSTANDING.5
OUTSTARE, v.t. To face down; to browbeat; to outface with effrontery; as we say, to stare out of countenance.
OUTSTEP, v.t. To step or go beyond; to exceed.
OUTSTORM, v.t. To overbear by storming.
Insults the tempest and outstorms the skies.NWAD OUTSTORM.2
OUTSTREET, n. A street in the extremities of a town.
OUTSTRETCH, v.t. To extend; to stretch or spread out; to expand.
OUTSTRIDE, v.t. To surpass in striding.
OUTSTRIP, v.t. To outgo; to outrun; to advance beyond.
OUTSWEAR, v.t. To exceed in swearing; to overpower by swearing.
OUTSWEETEN, v.t. To exceed in sweetness.
OUTSWELL, v.t. To overflow; to exceed in swelling.
OUTTALK, v.t. outtauk’. To overpower by talking; to exceed in talking.
OUTTHROW, v.t. To throw out or beyond.
OUTTONGUE, v.t. outtung’. To bear down by talk, clamor or noise.
OUTTOP, v.t. To overtop. [Not used.]
OUTVALUE, v.t. To exceed in price or value.
OUTVENOM, v.t. To exceed in poison.
OUTVIE, v.t. To exceed; to surpass.
OUTVILLAIN, v.t. To exceed in villainy.
OUTVOICE, v.t. outvois’. To exceed in roaring or clamor. [Not used.]
OUTVOTE, v.t. To exceed in the number of votes given; to defeat by plurality of suffrages.
OUTWALK, v.t. outwauk’.
1. To walk faster than; to leave behind in walking.NWAD OUTWALK.2
2. To exceed the walking of a specter.NWAD OUTWALK.3
1. The exterior wall of a building or fortress.NWAD OUTWALL.2
2. Superficial appearance. [Unusual.]NWAD OUTWALL.3